Pasta Dough with Basil by
Pasta Social Club

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Basil Pasta Dough with Pesto

Basil Pasta Dough

Bring a pot of well-salted water to a boil. Add the basil and blanch until bright green and wilted, about 30 seconds. Using a slotted spoon, immediately transfer the basil to a paper-towel lined baking tray and spread it out to cool completely. Dab any excess moisture, then transfer the greens to a blender with just enough water so it blends easily and becomes a very smooth puree. Weigh out 220 grams of the puree (if there’s less than you need, make up the difference with more water) and make the pasta dough according to the aforementioned  “well” method. Knead pasta dough vigorously, at least 10 minutes, then wrap tightly and allow to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Herb Laminated Pasta

Egg Pasta Dough

  • 400 g (~3 cups) ‘00’ flour
  • 50 g (~⅓ 1/3 cup) semola rimacinata flour
  • 255 g egg (about 4 whole eggs and 2 egg yolks)

Weigh and combine flours in a medium-large mixing bowl. Separately, weigh and whisk the eggs and yolks together (you may need more or less depending on the size of your eggs). Make a wide well with your fist in the center of the flour and add the egg mixture. Using a fork, gradually incorporate the flour into the eggs in a circular motion until a thick, custard-like batter forms. When it’s too thick to continue with the fork, cut the remaining flour into the center of the well with a bench scraper and transfer everything to a flat surface. Knead the dough vigorously until smooth, firm, and well-combined, about 10 minutes. (You may need a small amount of water if the dough is too dry or a dusting of flour if it is at all sticky; add both with your fingertips on any dry or wet patches.) Wrap the pasta dough tightly in plastic and allow it to rest for 30 minutes at room temperature, or in the refrigerator if not using for several hours.

For this herb-laminated papardelle, and other herb-filled pasta recipes, check out Pasta Social Club.

Photos: Pasta Social Club

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