Growing Up Greener: Kids Lunch Recipes

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Packing veggie-forward lunches on the go for your kids can get overwhelming, especially if you’ve got a picky eater (more tips for that scenario here). We’ve compiled a roundup of our favorite recipes to make your next meal prep a breeze. To see the recipes in action, check out this video!

Pesto Mac and Cheese 

Cook your child’s favorite mac and cheese according to box instructions. When it comes time to add the sauce, add a generous amount of Gotham Greens Pesto. The sauces will combine with ease, and your little one won’t suspect a thing! 

Pesto Breaded Chicken Nuggets 

Preheat oven to 400°F. Take chicken breasts and slice into 3-inch pieces. Coat chicken nuggets in pesto sauce, and then cover in breadcrumbs on each side. Bake in the oven for 15-20 until golden brown. 

Mini Pesto Pizzas 

Spread pesto on mini pizza crusts, then top with tomato sauce, shredded mozzarella cheese and desired toppings. Bake in the oven at 425°F until the cheese is bubbly and golden. Garnish with Gotham Greens fresh, greenhouse-grown basil by slicing into small, thin pieces and layering on top. 

Caesar Turkey Cheese Pinwheels 

Lay out a tortilla and spread with Gotham Greens Caesar or Vegan Caesar dressing. Then layer with turkey, cheese, shredded carrots and lettuce. Roll tightly, slice into pinwheels, and serve cold. 

Pesto Egg Bites 

Preheat oven to 375°F. Blend eggs, milk, and pesto. Pour mixture into greased muffin tins. Bake until set and serve warm for a delicious breakfast or snack.

What’s your favorite veggie to make for your kids? Send us a message – we’d love to hear from you! 

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